Entrepreneur Minute – James Jordan, Jordon Construction Company
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Entrepreneur Minute – James Jordan, Jordon Construction Company

October 19, 2023 – Greenville, SC – 2023 March of Dimes Award

The Who’s on the Move, Entrepreneur Minute is an interview in support of the undeniable impact that entrepreneurs have on our communities. We will be highlighting 20 entrepreneurs in each of our markets (Columbia, Greenville and Charleston) with a short video as well as a full audio version of the conversation on our WhosOnTheMove SC podcast. You will see a diverse group of entrepreneurs and we will be exploring the theme of overcoming obstacles.

James Jordan, Jordon Construction Company and Jordan Development

Jordon, the president, and founder of Jordon Construction Company (JCC) and Jordon Development Company in Greenville, SC brings more than two decades of experience to the construction and development industries. He has seen much success in his career but also has struggled at times. It’s because of this that he is an advocate for small businesses and entrepreneurs. He knows how important his mentors were to him in his life and puts that into practice within his own workplace creating and cultivating relationships.

James was named the 2023 March of Dimes Real Estate and Economic Development Award winner. He is also a recent graduate of the Liberty Fellowship.

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